Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daydream Island to Sydney (August 12, 2008)

I was awakened this morning by the howling winds outside that whipped through the palm trees outside of my room. A brief walk outside confirmed my suspicions – the gusting wind, similar to that on Orrington Avenue in Evanston (this will make total sense to you NU folk) – created weather conditions that were way too chilly for laying out and enjoying my remaining time in the sun on Daydream Island.

Instead, I headed to the gym for another workout and went back to my room to shower, pack and watch some local news before checking out of my room. I had a few hours to kill, so I walked around, taking time to snap some photos of my favorite spots (click on the link for photos) around the island, before boarding the 2:00 p.m. ferry for Hamilton Island. This time, the ride was a little more intense and I stayed safely inside as the ferry plowed through the rough surf, leaving copious amounts of sea spray in our wake.

I got to the airport and checked into my flight, quickly boarding the plane back to Sydney. (Air travel is super-easy when the airport only has two gates!) Aside from the annoying couple making out next to me, the trip was uneventful and Cara was at the airport when I arrived to shuttle me back to her apartment in Bondi. We spent the evening watching the Olympics and went to bed early in preparation for another day in Sydney.

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